I have gone through a few companies, and in this time I have had the pleasure of working with many different office suites. From the Google and Microsoft Bohemoths , to unorganized shops that use Slack and don’t necessarily have a plan for their collaboration. It also interestingly took ten years to get to an org where they attempted to use chatter. It was a real nightmare, and I don’t think I will ever recommend chatter still, but what chat or collaboration tool that you use will most likely be driven by the Software you already have.
This will be focusing on G Chat, which I enjoyed playing with Bots and looking at the Salesforce landscape in terms of their app offerings, and I realized it isn’t very populated as a niche. The connector has two options from two vendors (one being Google), and it is a very sub optimal amount of data.
So from a Systems perspective, when we talk about the Salesforce Connector, we are talking about the data from your Salesforce Org being made available to another system to be used by teams collaborating on things like big sales deals. The Salesforce APIs facilitate the Google requests for Data from a bot related to the chat, and at the time it needs the data it will query it with the credentials you’d have authorized previously as a prerequisite step.
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